Intellectual Property

Our Expertise

We regularly advise our clients on creation, protection, and defence of their intellectual property in India. Our intellectual property practice focuses on developing an intellectual property strategy for our clients that encompasses a dedicated, responsive, and efficient approach to not only register their intellectual property but also to protect, secure, and enforce their intellectual property rights in India.

Our intellectual property client base includes large Indian and global corporations as well as fast-growing start-ups across a range of sectors including manufacturing, technology, and hospitality.

Our services include:

  • assisting with the registration of patents in India and internationally under the Patent Cooperation Treaty
  • assisting with registration of trademarks in India
  • drafting intellectual property acquisition and assignment contracts, technology transfer and software licensing agreements, content distribution agreements, and franchising agreements
  • providing intellectual property infringement analysis, and developing and implementing strategies for defending against infringement
  • advising on and assisting with commencing or defending litigation relating to enforcement of intellectual property rights
  • conducting due diligence on intellectual property portfolio.

Our Indicative Experience

Assisting with intellectual property preservation and protection strategies and intellectual property litigation.

Advising on commercialisation of intellectual property assets, and assisting with drafting, negotiation, and finalisation of licensing, assignment, and technology transfer agreements.

Preparing provisional and final applications for grant of patents, assisting in preparing the relevant forms and filings in relation to patent applications, drafting and filing a response to the examination report, and assisting in other steps as may be required prior to grant of a patent.

Conducting “novelty/patentability search” and “white space analysis” for evaluating the patentability of a product.

Conducting “freedom to operate search” for ensuring that a products of the company do not infringe any existing intellectual property.

Assisting in filing and registration process for trademarks, including conducting trademark searches, preparing the relevant forms, and responding to any objections received.

Client Testimonials