“I think we should have a blog!” – thus spake Devanshi, the youngest member of our Website Launch Group, in the Group’s first brainstorm on our soon-to-be-launched website. The brief silence that followed was the only time in the next several weeks that this question did not draw the most passionate and interesting set of reactions from everyone in the Group, self included.
“Will we really have the time for all this?”, asked Roshan, clearly looking and sounding sceptical. “Well, if we want to do this, we will just FIND the time to do it”, I said, in as sagely a voice as I could manage. “I think it’s a great idea. We should just do it. No other Indian law firm has one!”, said Smita, to which Madhumita responded with “Sure, but what are we going to SAY in it?”. Hearty laughter all around. We all looked expectantly at Prashant, who just shrugged and gave us one of his cryptic, zen-like smiles. Devanshi chimed in once again, “How about a blog on ‘One Day in the Life of a Lexygenian’?”. Someone (don’t remember who) responded rather cheekily with, “A guy called Alexander Solzhenitsyn wrote an entire book on that already. A long time ago too”. More hearty laughter (from those of us who got the joke, anyway).
And so on it went. For weeks, over multiple one-hour sessions. And oh, that “What do we call it?” question! Don’t even go there! After spending an eternity tossing around suggestions that ranged from the complex to the profound to the plainly bizarre, we finally agreed on the highly imaginative “The Lexygen Blog”! As we have always managed to do in our own way, though, in the midst of all that jocularity and creative chaos, we found the direction we wanted. And clarity and consensus began to emerge as to whether we wanted to have a blog on our website, what the Lexygen Blog should be all about, content-management processes and so on.
We unanimously agreed that we wanted the Lexygen Blog to be a useful and current source of analysis to our readers on various issues pertaining to the law and the transactional eco-system, while at the same time also serving as a creative, yet informal means for Lexygen lawyers to express their individual views and to share their transactional experiences on a wider platform, tempered of course, with confidentiality and professional etiquette considerations. The Lexygen Blog is therefore, intended to be as much a client-empowerment and knowledge-sharing initiative as it is a digital voice for our lawyers to air their views and analysis, irrespective of whether they are first year associates or partners.
So here we are, kicking it all off. To all our readers, I hope that you will enjoy reading the Lexygen Blog from time to time and that you will find it to be a useful resource of crisp and insightful analysis. Given that one of the objectives of the Lexygen Blog is to provide a broader forum for Lexygen lawyers to share their views and transactional experiences, I’d urge you to recognize that any views expressed herein by any of the bloggers are to be construed as their own individual views, and are not to be treated as, or assumed to be, the Lexygen view on those issues.
To my fellow Lexygenians, the Lexygen Blog is now all yours to express your selves more immediately, and in an informal structure, on legal issues of relevance and current importance. Happy blogging!
P.S.: The ever pragmatic Amit had a question at the end of the Group’s last brainstorm session. “So….should we create a Timeslips code called ‘Lexygen Blogging’?”. That one drew the heartiest laughter!